Home  /  June 2014  /  Comment

My fellow Australians.

It’s time (and other clichés) to stand together against the tyranny being wrought by the cyclist Abbott and the farmer Truss. These two have declared war on average road going Australians. On the night before the government brought down its so called ‘budget’, hundreds of thousand of cars lined up for hours outside petrol stations knowing full well that their elected officials had once again condemned them to an eternity of paying more for liquid middle east gold.

How bad are some motorists doing it?

Well a minute after the bad news streamed out of the jaws of the cigarred one, my friend put his car up for sale. In fact he (not Joe H) immediately rang David Whealtey at online sales outfit New Car Plus and said “Dave, I’ve had it with these galoots in Canberra, take a mill off my car and just sell it”.

Click here to read more: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/executive-living/motoring/driven-by-liquid-middle-east-gold/story-fngmee2f-1226928453256



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