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December 2013

I’m tired of Christmas already.Long lunches backed up by even longer dinners, cards from people you have been trying to forget, crook presents from your suppliers and even your secret back roads are full of happy caravaners, grey nomads, cars full of bikes, surfboards, outb...

There are a lot of questions to answer as we move towards the end of the year. Is any piece of metal, even a Ferrari GTO, worth nearly $60 million? Is a 1967 Toyota worth $1 million (even though it is a 200GT)? Who in their right mind would pay $150 grand for a Goggomobil look al...

Don’t you wish big companies would stop pretending they really care about customers and just tell the truth? I know a bit about the PR caper so my advice would that they should run ads saying something like “Customers are a pain in the butt so if we are nice to you it...

Wheels magazine editor Stephen Corby clearly doesn’t think so because he’s been running a campaign to raise the speed limit to 130 kmh. While the official line from the real police and the fun police has been to accuse Corby and his magazine of encouraging genocide, f...